Bendy Leg Disease: A Silent Danger Parents Should Not Overlook

Bowed leg in children, also known as a bendy leg syndrome, is a condition where one or both legs are curved forward. It is usually an attempt by the child to compensate for their center of gravity behind the pelvis. Bowed legs are present in 15{152bd460eed8f7b22a02b06fbfb0ae1aed1e6fe49fcb8f8ef6c482666c93832f} of children. It affects both males and females equally and varies from mild bowing to severe enough to impair normal walking.

Bowed leg is (bow leg คือ, which is the term in Thai) a common occurrence. Many children experience one or two bends in their legs. The number of curves varies from one child to the other, and sometimes adults suffer from bowed legs. Women suffer from bent legs more than men as they get older. Bendy leg disease, also known as genu varum or bow-leggedness, is a rare congenital disorder that causes the legs to bow outward. This condition typically affects infants, children, adolescents, and rarely adults.

About The Disease

Bendy-leg disease, also known as acute flaccid paralysis, is a rare but severe complication in young children. Although benign, it can lead to respiratory failure and death within hours if not immediately treated. The most common cause of the bendy-leg disease is polio, which has almost entirely been eradicated since 1980, thanks to vaccinations. There are some 2 million new cases of polio worldwide each year that take up to 60 lives annually.

Bowed legs in children is a condition where the upper thigh appears to be bow-shaped. The knee, unlike the hip, is free to flex and extend during gait. The mechanism of this deformity most frequently involves the lateral and medial femoral condyles but may also include both posterior and anterior extensor components and the knee capsule itself.

Diagnosis And Treatment

Once detected, the bendy-leg disease can be treated by cutting out calcium from children’s diets. This is a common condition that can easily avoid with a moderate diet and exercise. Talk to your pediatrician about any concerns you have about your child’s limps, so you can take care of them before they become permanent.

How To Prevent It

Unlike their stiff-legged counterparts, children with bendy leg disease may be completely asymptomatic in childhood. This means parents could have no idea that there is anything wrong until they are suddenly faced with a situation where a stiff-legged diagnosis would provide them some reassurance. Here are some things you can do to prevent it from becoming an issue. Bend your knees when lifting or carrying heavy objects; for example, if you’re taking groceries out of your car, bend your knees and keep your back straight instead of rounding over and lifting everything in one go. Walk upstairs by putting one foot on each step rather than two feet on one step; not only will you avoid straining yourself by bending over too far but also using both feet allows more weight per step and increases your risk of falling back down the stairs.