All You Need To Know About Orthognathic Surgery
This surgery for those with an inappropriately situated jaw concerning the root of the skull or who have a significant disparity among the dimension of the jaws about one another. Orthognathic surgery (แก้ปัญหาปากอูม, which is the term in Thai) may be performed to realign the bottom, the upper, or both of the jaws. Our facial form can be entirely altered with a surgery called orthognathic treatment.
The orthognathic procedure is often preceded by orthodontic care. For teeth to adjust properly following surgery, alignment is necessary. Once the surgery is done, orthodontic treatment is continued for a while to move the front teeth toward their final. Ideal locations for their intended function.
What Happens During Jaw Surgery?
Only during a thorough initial meeting is a jaw joint operation carried out. The front teeth are first straightened at the start of the procedure, and wisdom teeth and other unneeded teeth are extracted. Once the orthognathic procedure begins, orthodontics typically takes 18 to 24 months to straighten teeth. Once all teeth are in place, it is appropriate to undergo orthognathic treatments on either jaw. The final phase of orthodontic treatment takes place after that and lasts for roughly six months. It will occur next.
After Jaw Surgery, Recovery
Following orthognathic treatments, it can be usual for patients with jaw resizing or jaw realignment to experience a considerable sensation of discomfort. However, pain intensity differs from patient to individual according to their pain threshold. Therefore, be sure to take your prescriptions exactly as prescribed.
On the next day following your jaw surgery, you can take a bath, but you should avoid taking a long, warm shower since it could cause bleeding in the base of your jaw if the operation were done there.
For a minimum of thirty days after the orthognathic procedure, you must refrain from exercising, doing anything such as lifting, and activities that could cause your blood pressure or heartbeat to increase. While the blood vessels continue mending from the surgery, any action that raises blood pressure could cause bleeding. Gentle activities can be performed after two weeks, but cardio should be avoided for four to six weeks following the jaw restructuring. For the following forty-eight hours, avoid operating a car.
When To Seek A Doctor?
Slight bleeding through the nostrils or after surgery in the mouth is typical. Following jaw restructuring, blood loss or leaking lasts 7 to 10 days. Despite this, notify your doctor if the profuse bleeding is significant.