Debunking 8 Vestibular Disorder and Physiotherapy Myths

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of vestibular diseases and the care of these conditions using vestibular physiotherapy. Misconceptions about these illnesses, however, continue to exist and prevent people from getting the appropriate care. Due to this, it’s essential to dispel prevalent misconceptions about vestibular illnesses and clarify vestibular physiotherapy’s function, especially in Singapore’s medical landscape.

Myth 1: Vestibular Disorders Are Rare

Despite popular opinion, a significant portion of the world’s population suffers from vestibular diseases. An increasing number of people in Singapore are exhibiting symptoms like imbalance, vertigo, and dizziness. Consulting a vertigo specialist is crucial to provide a diagnosis and treatment.

Myth 2: Vestibular Disorders Only Affect the Elderly

While vestibular diseases are not limited to the elderly, ageing may play a role in their development. Vestibular problems can affect people of any age, even those in their early years of life. Premature symptom recognition and consultation with a vertigo specialist are crucial because delayed treatment can have a substantial adverse influence on recovery.

Myth 3: Vestibular Disorders Are Always Accompanied by Hearing Loss

Despite what the general public believes, not every vestibular problem results in hearing loss. Certain conditions, such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) or vestibular migraine, might appear without causing any discernible abnormalities in hearing. An assessment by a vertigo expert is essential for a diagnosis and treatment.

Myth 4: Vestibular Physiotherapy Is Ineffective

Vestibular physiotherapy is a considerable method for treating vestibular problems. The goals of these workouts and manoeuvres are to raise general balance, lessen symptoms, and enhance vestibular function. Individuals might receive exercises designed for their condition by consulting with a vertigo specialist in Singapore.

Myth 5: Vestibular Disorders Are Untreatable

Despite the misperception that there is no effective treatment for vestibular diseases, vestibular physiotherapy provides fruitful approaches. People can achieve symptom relief by addressing the root reasons and enhancing vestibular function with specific exercises. Working with a vertigo specialist guarantees a treatment approach suited to your needs.

Myth 6: Medication Is the Only Solution for Vestibular Disorders

Although doctors may recommend drugs to treat symptoms, other options are available for treating vestibular issues. Vestibular physiotherapy is essential for treating the underlying issues and enhancing general function. When combined with physiotherapy and medicine under the supervision of a vertigo specialist, treatment plans can become efficient.

Myth 7: Vestibular Disorders Have No Impact on Mental Health

A vestibular disorder’s impact on one’s mental health can be severe. Anxiety and depression can result from symptoms such as vertigo and dizziness. Providing care for vestibular diseases requires an understanding of their psychosocial component. When combined with the proper psychological support, vestibular physiotherapy can enhance one’s physical and mental health.

Myth 8: Vestibular Physiotherapy Is Painful or Uncomfortable

Some people may be hesitant to seek vestibular physiotherapy because they are worried about experiencing pain or discomfort while receiving treatment. It is crucial to realise, nonetheless, that vestibular rehabilitation activities are usually mild and customised to the individual’s tolerance level. Ensuring that workouts are tolerated through close collaboration with a physiotherapist promotes progression without unnecessary suffering.


Dispelling myths about vestibular disorders and their treatment is essential for individuals to make informed decisions about their health. For patients with vestibular problems, seeking advice from a vertigo specialist in Singapore and having vestibular physiotherapy in the overall management plan can enhance outcomes and quality of life. Education and awareness are essential to guarantee that people receive accurate information and seek the necessary care for their vestibular health.

Visit Calibrate Health to take the first step towards a life without the limitations of vertigo.