How to make effective subliminal audios for the subconscious mind
In theory, there are people who are susceptible to these audios and others who are not, and it seems that the reaction is linked to the culture, habits, knowledge and beliefs of the particular person. In popular culture, it has been given great relevance and in the past, it was used indiscriminately both in music and in mass advertising but without clear proven effects.
What a subliminal audio looks like?
Subliminal messages are one of the most controversial marketing and communication tools. Because of this, the topic of subliminal communication has aroused great interest among social scientists. Achieving subliminal messages can be a great project for psychology, sociology, or even marketing students. Subliminal messages can be visual, auditory, or written, and can be presented in any number of media. To make subliminal messages, you will need to have access to audio or video editing software.
Steps to follow
Download and install the audio/video editing software. There are many programs available for audio and visual editing. Some companies sell audio editors specifically for creating subliminal audio messages. Companies like Microsoft, Corel, Adobe, and Roxon sell graphics and video editing software. If you are on a budget, there are low-cost open source editing programs for audio and video editing. You can search for open source software on websites such as Post GRE SQL and Web Resources Depot.
Select the appropriate means of communication, to send your subliminal messages. These can be placed on photos, videos, songs and spoken word recordings. The media you choose to use depends on the type of messages you want to create. Visual subliminal messages are embedded as hidden images (in images) and are attached to frames (in videos). Subliminal audio messages are hidden clues that are too slow to be consciously detected.
Record or draw the subliminal message. The visuals can be extracted using graphic editing software. Audio should be recorded with a microphone and recording software. The most effective visual subliminal messages are simple type phrases, with clarity in the letter. These are inserted into the videos as hidden images. The ideal subliminal audio messages would be a clear, slow, monotone voice. Record any sound in a quiet place with no distractions (a soundstage is ideal, a basement may suffice).
Edit images in visual media. Most video editing programs will give you the option to view the video frame by frame, and allow you to connect frames in and out of the recording. To put together a frame, just select “Insert frame” and upload the image you want to use. Some video editors require frames to be inserted in a specific file format. If that is the case, simply load your image into the graphics editor, and save it to the required file type.
Edit subliminal tracks on audio media. Editing new audio tracks in a file is a easy process. Most audio editors display a graph of the audio levels of a track. To splice a second track, open the audio track where the subliminal recording is and select the entire file with the left mouse button. Click “Control C” to copy the audio. When you go to the destination track audio file, you should have the option to add a second track.
It will create a second, empty chart below the initial chart. Paste the subliminal audio into the second graphic and down-frequency it, to the point where it cannot be consciously heard, over the main audio file.
In the end
Preview of subliminal messages. Play the video files or audio player and make sure the messages cannot be consciously detected. If you can see the subliminal frames or tracks clearly, go back to the editing software to reduce the number of frames or the frequency level.